Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Unreal reality"

This is the real footage of me and my friends roaming around on the terrace with a night-vision camera.......
Just check it out......  And say whether you believe it or not


It was the beginning of October when the teachers had said that :
"The unit tests will be held from 25th of this month and it will be followed by your half yearly exams from 12th of November. You students should utilize these ten days. Durga puja will come every year, but your tests come only once."
I suppose that the teachers would have known by then that only a few took notice of their 10 minute long lecture. I did take notice of the words of advice but did not even bother to open my books during the vacations.
My parents did notice me slacking, so they came up with an idea to get things started. They said that i would get an external hard-drive if i score well in either of the tests. I saw it as an opportunity to get the hard drive,so i started studying. But the U.T. didn't go that well. The results are yet to come but i wouldn't bother to know'em cause the tests were not good enough to earn me a hard drive.
So i am trying to study and I expect to score well in the Half yearly. I just hope that it goes well enough to get me the prize in store......

My first note......

I have created this blog without an idea of what use i will make of it, but presently i am using it as a way of sharing my thoughts with the people who read this and give them a glimpse of my day-to-day life.......